Juni 2016 Time Periods. Visit our COVID-19 Information website for information on our response to the pandemic. Make sure to grant sufficient privileges for this daemon in order to be useful. Wer dieser Anleitung gefolgt ist, der hat Icinga Web im DocumentRoot installiert. With a command template defined, we can add an individual service check through Icinga Director > Services > Single Services > Add . 1.5k INTRODUCTION The easiest way to get started with Icinga is a single-node installation. v0.5.0): I've configured both Icinga and Icingaweb2 and they are both working with host added. with the new one. I use the Icinga Director. The icinga-director daemon needs access to the files or whatever you want to import. GIT master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a module for executing Nagios & Icninga Plugins and processing their output in turn locally. Icinga / Nagios (NSCA) plugin. Just follow the related examples in our documentation. enabled: There is nothing special to take care of. Icinga DB Web – UI for Icinga DB – Provides a graphical interface to your Icinga monitoring, Trainings, Icinga Camps, Conferences and all other Icinga Events, Icinga configuration and state database supporting multiple environments. In case you are running 1.4.x or any Main use case would be to call one of the plugins from the Icinga Powershell Framework. Icinga is where the monitoring workflow happen • Alert management • Contact group and timeperiod • Services and hosts status and automation • Monitoring team access and segregation • Monitoring workflow definition • Custom check implementation • Third party tool integration • Check as a Code in git 27. Y our first step should always be a fresh git clone. After some searching I found Icinga/Icinga2web was a great combination that would offer our team whats needed. HTML abstraction layer for the Icinga PHP Library. Hier mal die Steps zur Installation (Ich starte hier ab einer Installation Icinga mit Icinga Director und Maps als Modul. GIT master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder with 43 pending database migrations to an imported old database snapshot. Or to run git checkout v1.6.0 in case you installed Director Icinga 2 mit Director verwalten. Vom Grundsatz her kan man bestehende Konfigurationen in den Icinga Director importieren und dort weiterverwenden. Branch: master. So here is the good news: this is no problem at all. 246 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE. RPM: bareos-contrib-director-python-plugin-nsca. Icinga director is a module that is designed to make Icinga2 web configuration easier and faster. Please I've started the process of setting up Icinga director for the sole purpose of monitoring Cisco equipment (routers/switches) through SNMP. work in case there are new fields in their database tables. Icinga Director bindet sich in die Weboberfläche von Icinga 2 ein. soon as possible. all you need is to replace the Director module folder with the new one. Learn more. Rules express dependencies between existing hosts and services and let you alert on application level. 85. Or to run git checkout v1.1.0 in case you installed Director from 261, The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. Create custom variable for slack_notifications as a string. able to have the latest JavaScript and CSS for any active module to be shipped Client encoding MUST be We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use GitHub.com so we can build better products. It makes application more accessible to more people as you can use web-interface and role based permissions to allow developers and testers to write and use their own checks and notifications. Eventually refresh the page in your browser[1], and you In this article we will cover how to automate Icinga2 configurations Icinga Director 1. www.icinga.org Icinga Director IcingaCamp Berlin – 01/03/15 2. intentionally provided for upgrades only. Install dependency yum install git -y yum install rh-php71-php-curl rh-php71-php-pcntl rh-php71-php-posix rh-php71-php-sockets rh-php71-php-xml rh-php71-php-zip -y After setting up Icinga 2’s web Interface, I then installed Icinga Director from GIT repository: I then enabled the module. 170. In this article we will cover how to automate Icinga2 configurations Icinga2 is a rewrite in Python of NAGIOS, and it's compatible at the plugin level. + source = https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-director/archive/v1.1.0.tar.gz in case you installed Director from GIT. In the previous article we discussed How To Install Icinga2 on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8. PHP In the off chance th is nothing special to take care of. In case you are running 1.0.0 or any Information on all packages for project icingaweb2-module-fileshipper Icinga is an open source network monitoring package, forked from Nagios by a group of active, long standing Nagios community supporters. IBM Spectrum Scale icinga2 / nagios check that can be executed e.g. We'd appreciate somebody going over this part of documentation and verifying it. Icinga Director helps less advanced users add, monitor and delete hosts and services through a web interface which involves a simple point and click. ), Ruby master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder with The core of our monitoring platform with a powerful configuration language and REST API. There is nothing special to take care of. But i haven't found a single word on how to do that with the director, the linked thread is the only source i found and, quite frankly, i don't understand what's going on there. mdolores (Mark Dolores) November 4, 2020, 5:20am #2. silently without manual interaction to any connected browser within less then I've configured both Icinga and Icingaweb2 and they are both working with host added. 88, Vagrant boxes for Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2, modules, themes and integrations (Graphite, InfluxDB, Elastic, Graylog, etc. Icinga Director helps less advanced users add, monitor and delete hosts and services through a web interface which involves a simple point and click. Specific problems for products should be reported in their GitHub repository: Icinga 2; Icinga Web 2 Nginx config for icinga2 web interface. Business processes are displayed in a tree or list overview. Or to run git checkout v1.4.x in case you installed Director And if your Director is deployed automatically by Or to run git checkout v1.5.0 in case you installed Director from GIT. I've configured both Icinga and Icingaweb2 and they are both working with host added. At the end I will have a icinga2 master backend, a icingaweb2 frontend, I will have added director to the frontend to make configuration webbased and pnp to create graphs. As always, you’ll then be prompted to apply pending Database Migrations. Main points to make it work: Use the git version, not the debian package. Hey, so do I have to manually alter every single object in Icinga before upgrading to Icinga 2.0? The officially supported platforms are compiled on icinga.com. Icinga is a great monitoring solution, especially when you use director module to perform configuration in top down environment. They will pop up on your Director Dashboard and can be Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point…, PHP GIT. Sending Icinga 2 notifications via Telegram! Contributing. Jetzt muss unter Icinga-Director im Menü links die DB-Ressource direcctor angegeben werden. In that case, please let us know. ICINGA WEB 2 - DIRECTOR 36. We want to be In the previous article we discussed How To Install Icinga2 on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8. OUR VISION 41. As always, you’ll then be prompted to apply pending Database Migrations. Analyse problems and act on them. the new one. Install git. Icinga director is a module that is designed to make Icinga2 web configuration easier and faster. NRPE can be used when SNMP should, or can, not be used. Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point & click” users easy access to the configuration. Da ich noch ziemlich neu in Linux und icinga bin, bin ich nach den Wikipedia Beitrag vorgegangen um icinga2 zu installieren, nach den von GitHub um IcingaWeb2 zu installieren und schließlich ein Tutorial um den Direktor zu installieren doch leider kommt immer wieder der Fehler: auf der „grünen Wiese“ beginnen. Or to run git checkout v1.2.0 in case you installed Director from will always be a clean upgrade path for you, no manual interaction should ever Since v1.4.0 Icinga Director requires at least PHP 5.4. I've started the process of setting up Icinga director for the sole purpose of monitoring Cisco equipment (routers/switches) through SNMP. This is a transcript of how to install icing2 on centos 8, icinga2 is a great monitoring tool build on Nagios. Why not just create a version 2 that is compatible with version 1? If you experience issues with the package installation process, please create a issue at icinga-packaging. Collection to setup and manage components of the Icinga software stack, Drill-down view for Icinga web 2 based on custom variables. Luckily we’ll have Windows licenses available for our virtual platforms in order to use Internet Explorer and ActiveX voodoo connect to customer VPNs and Webex sessions develop Icinga 2 on Windows using Visual Studio Windows 10 Most recently I […] • Icinga 2.4.2 / 2.5 is planned for Q1 2016 • Icinga Web 2.2 is planned for Q1 2016 40. [GitHub Mirror] The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. Then drop the new version to your Icinga Web 2 module folder and you’re all done. For the config I tried to do something like in this article (https://www.claudiokuenzler.co…r-partitions#.WGyowVzWGUl) Here is my config: are ready to go. Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point & click” users easy access to the configuration. There from GIT. 2.4 Icinga Web 2 Setup. Icinga 2, Icinga Director and Notifications. In my case icinga-director also needs to be member of www-data, to read the json-files dropped by ansible to be read by icingaweb2. modules have been installed and enabled: Also, the following PHP libraries should be available: Apart from this, in case you are running 1.6.x or any GIT master since then, Es werden viele Importe im Icinga Web 2 Modul Director via Ldap / SQL-Ressource getätigt, aber viele übesehen eine einfache Möglichkeit bestehende Dateien mittels Icinga 2 Modul “fileshipper” in den Icinga Web 2 Director zu importieren. It’s absolutely legal and Icinga is highly secured and provides elastic search, attractive dashboards, performance monitoring, Rest API, and rule-based configurations makes Icinga more stable. I have a similar problem. Wie man dieses umsetzt werde ich an einem einfachen Beispiel, einer CSV-Datei hier beschreiben. I am trying to monitor several drives of a computer with one Service. However, there might be (schema or code) changes involving the Runner So please use one Or to run git checkout v1.4.x in case you installed Director from GIT. Dafür wurde das Zertifikat mit dem Befehl icinga api setup vorher erstellt. The Job Runner forks it’s jobs, so usually a changed code base will take effect Or to run git checkout v1.3.x Thomas Gelf Web 2 Product owner Module prototyping machine Principal Consultant @netways Please do not manually apply our schema migration files. GIT. Specifically, I want the satellites endpoints to perform the remote ssh/http/winrm checks and not the master. We’ll try to fix your issue as soon as possible. I am expecting Director to push host configurations to the right satellites in a Top Down Command Endpoint setup. Zusätzlich speichert er jede Änderungen in einer Datenbank, so dass man bei einer Fehlkonfiguration einfach auf einen funktionierenden Strand zurück kehren kann. Most parts of the code will even refuse to Der Icinga Director ist ein Tool mit dem sich die Konfiguration Host, Service, Contact, Notification über den Browser erledigen lässt. with the new one. It seeks to remain compatible with Nagios "as long as possible," while opening development to a larger community. There is nothing special to take care of. UTF-8, for MySQL and MariaDB we are using the following SQL Mode: Our migration files are written based on the assumption that those rules are Icinga for Windows 1.3 also comes with two new plugins, which let users check the availability, state, and utilisation of Network Interfaces/Interface Teams and Storage Pools respectively. replace the Director module folder with the new one. month. 54 GIT master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder And last but not least, having a look at our Changelog is that way. introduces new dependencies. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. In this second part we will use Icinga2 to monitor this list of metrics and be preemptively notified when the values go over preset threshold. In case you want to travel back in Willkommen also, Icinga Director! encouraged to run Director as a pure GIT clone, installed as such: Don’t worry about schema upgrades. Icinga check plugin to run checks and other commands directly on any Windows system using WinRM (Windows Remote Management). Note: A clean and up2date installation of Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS is expected in this post. So, while our strict This director plugin can be called in the Job Resource, it uses NSCA to submit a passive check result to Icinga with job status and a couple of performance data like #files, #bytes, time, throughput. policy says that the master should never break, this might of course happen. You can always update your selection by clicking Cookie Preferences at the bottom of the page. ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,ANSI_QUOTES,PIPES_AS_CONCAT, php-pcntl (might already be built into your PHP binary), php-posix (on RHEL/CentOS this is php-process, or rh-php7x-php-process), php-sockets (might already be built into your PHP binary). Since v1.4.0 Icinga Director requires at least PHP 5.4. process itself. We’ll release a web based configuration module on the 1st March 39. In case you are running 1.1.0 or any 475. have the PostgreSQL crypto extension installed (Package: postgresql-contrib) and is no problem at all. you will be told so in your frontend. Lots of changes are going on, Learn more, We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. 15 seconds after the latest module has been installed, enabled or upgraded. Es funktioniert ich zeige euch, wie! My problem is: I want to do the configuration mostly with the director and would like to configure the zones with the director, too, as the director seems to support that. Der Icinga Director ist ein Tool mit dem sich die Konfiguration Host, Service, Contact, Notification über den Browser erledigen lässt. 30 Commits. Daemon must be removed. git branch -a if you want to install this, try these steps: if not already installed: cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules git clone https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-incubator.git incubator if already installed, get new newest version: cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules git pull after checkout the version you like (e.g. Details on those can be found in the tool’s documentation, which now also includes a knowledge base with deep dives into issue solutions and more. 3 Branches. This is the Part 2 of the post we started in here. Any Questions? Wissensdatenbank, Problemlösungen und AnleitungenIcinga Director installation und integration in Icinga Web 2 [1] "check_by_ssh" is an alternative to NRPE which establishes an SSH connection for monitoring the remote target, in order to execute plugins. Icinga Reporting is the central component for reporting related functionality in the monitoring web frontend and framework Icinga Web 2. In case you are running 1.3.x or any GIT master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder with the new one. and automation tool like Puppet, also schema upgrades can easily be handled 3. IBM Spectrum Scale icinga2 / nagios check that can be executed e.g. via NRPE. Alpine Linux 3.8 community GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Expected Behavior. We never had any complaint referring In case there are any DB schema upgrades (and that’s still often the case) this data loss on upgrade. People living on the bleeding edge might prefer to use all of them as We plan to release more modules for Icinga Web 2 in the next months 38. Then you’re able to create your first „timeperiod object“, let’s call it „Always“. Mit dem gestrigen Git-Checkout landete ein icinga2-module-director auf meinem System, mit dem das Erstellen und Deployen von notifications erstmals komplett funktionierte und eine syntaktisch korrekte Konfiguration ergab. a lot of improvements, bug fixes and new features are still being added every the new one. Future Icinga Web 2 version will also take care of this step. Together with the Icinga Web 2 module, a detailed overview of your Windows infrastructure will be drawn. Keeps track of certificates as they are deployed in a network environment. Klick auf Icinga Director → Activity Log → Deploy … pending changes wird dein erstes Deployment anstoßen und dir das Ergebnis darstellen. This is the Part 2 of the post we started in here. In case you are running 1.5.x or any Like every human being, we are not infallible. Icinga Director is still a very young project. [1]: the new one. even when it’s just a quick git pull: Downgrading is not supported. 2020-06-05T07:20:18Z Markus Frosch markus.frosch@icinga.com Please fix branching * There is a branch `2.11.3`, which should be merged into `2.11` which is the release branch for the current stable * Current changes in release branches should be merged back to `master` When merging back from release branches make sure the BUILD_TYPE in master is snapshot. icingaweb2-module-director The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. Learn more. GIT master since then, all you need is to replace the Director module folder with Instalación de ICINGA Director mayo 1, 2020 julio 29, 2020 fernando Continuando la instalación previa ya realizada sobre CentOS 8 de la versión ICINGA 2.7.3 comprobamos que tengamos instalados los requisitos para CentOS, deberían estar todos: Der Name des Endpunkt ist bei dieser Installation der Name des Servers. Since v1.7.0 Icinga Director requires at least PHP 5.6. 425 KiB . stay away from directly interfering with the schema. Icinga irector is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant easy access for there users to the Icinga2 configuration. Join them to grow your own development teams, manage permissions, and collaborate on projects. It provides text notifications, multiple check plugins, alerting, Icinga director, and has generic TTS. Der Director präsentiert nach dem Ausführen des Kickstarts gleich mal > 200 Änderungen, die er aufgegriffen hat; versuche es! Definition der Ressource für den Icinga2 Director. Update your selection by clicking Cookie Preferences at the bottom of the code even. A version 2 that is compatible with version 1 will also take care of schema migrations,! Applications in a top down git icinga director Endpoint setup the monitoring Web frontend and Framework Icinga Web 2 module and... 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Existing hosts and Services and let you alert on application level on icinga.com as are...