1. They can even produce explosions when dropped in water! It’s actually true, Mr. The human... 2. By studying the type of rock in which a fossil is found palaeontologists can roughly guess its age. ... for many common phenomena we observe in daily life. Electrons can only exist where the crests and troughs of these waves add up correctly. Two of the hearts work exclusively to move blood beyond the animal’s gills, while the third keeps circulation flowing for the organs. Everyday science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. Will we use hyperloops to commute in the future? Still think we’re alone? Moreover, if you’d laid down end to end each water molecule from a teaspoon down end to end, you’d end up with a length of 50 billion km — 10 times the width of our solar system. Here is the selection of the 40 best scientific facts Urban Times made for you. It seems like everyone wants to be happy and have a great life; nobody wants to get bored, living a lousy and mediocre life.. As it expands into a red giant in the following few billion years, scientists predict that the Sun will finally engulf Earth altogether, spelling the definite end for our planet. The... 2. Unlike any other marine plant, they surround themselves with minuscule plates of calcite (coccoliths). Science doesn't just happen in a lab—it's a part of everyday life—even yours. When did we first start forecasting the weather? A human organ that no-one knew about has been hiding in plain sight all this time. The plates’ pace is comparable to the speed at which our fingernails grow. 13 Scientific Explanations for Everyday Life 1. It’s only once they’ve been dissolved in a liquid that the chemicals can be detected by receptors on taste buds. Betelgeuse lies some 430 light-years from Earth, yet it’s already one of the brightest stars in Earth’s sky. There’s one ‘main’ brain where all the analysis and decision making takes place and eight ancillary brains — one at the base of each arm — that function as preprocessors for all the information obtained by that arm. All the bacteria living inside you could fill a half-gallon jug — there are 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than human cells, according to Carolyn Bohach, a microbiologist at the University of Idaho. The mercury level inside a thermometer, for example, rises and falls as the mercury’s volume changes with the ambient temperature. Now that you know what we are talking about, it is time for some fun, good-to-know science facts! Over the coming hundreds of millions of years, the Sun will continue to get progressively brighter and hotter. Besides, events like cooking, boiling of water, burning of a candle, curdling of milk, electricity, motorized vehicles, cell phones etc. With age, many of the bones fuse, leaving 206 bones that make up an average adult skeleton. This … They thus occupy a huge amount of space. The analytic plan was outlined prior to analysis and followed exactly. The human genome (the genetic code in each human cell) contains 23 DNA molecules (called chromosomes), each containing from 500,000 to 2.5 million nucleotide pairs. A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8,000 one megaton bombs. Books. (image source). One of them is the Bose-Einstein condensate, where atoms chilled to only 0.000001 degrees above absolute zero start behaving like waves, rather than particles as they ought to on the macroscopic scale. The world’s smallest fidget spinner is 100 microns wide. Despite their name, killer whales or orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family. People with a wide network of friends have less tension, suffered from less stress, had stronger defenses and lived longer. Urban planners and civil and environmental engineers help develop sustainable communities all over the world. Fleas experience 100 g, while the Space Shuttle peaked at around 5 g. The flea’s secret is a stretchy rubber-like protein which allows it to store and release energy like a spring. Octopuses, on the other hand, use the copper-based cyanoglobin, which performs the same function, albeit less efficiently — this makes octopuses have less stamina than you might expect. What makes these crystals particularly remarkable has less to do with the fact that they repeat in time but rather more with the fact that they’re intrinsically out of equilibrium. In just a minute, the heart pumps the entire blood volume around your body. The Earth’s crust is split into gigantic pieces called tectonic plates. John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin have published their newest book about 1,227 interesting facts that should “blow your socks off”. A glow stick is a self-contained light source. Weekly. A bad egg floats in water because the up-thrust produced on account of displaced water by the immersed portion of the bad egg is greater than the weight of the egg. During this process, some salivary constituents chemically interact with taste substances. In 2.3 billion years it will be too hot for life to exist on Earth. With this in mind, here are a couple amazing scientific facts that I hope will inspire you to learn something new every day — they’ve certainly done so for me. When helium is just a few degrees below its boiling point of –452°F (–269°C), it can suddenly do things that other fluids can’t, like dribble through molecule-thin cracks, climb up and over the sides of a dish, and remain motionless when its container is spun. Updated daily with science research articles in all the life sciences. A person’s sneeze can travel at speeds of about 100 miles per … More science facts after the jump. Freeze. Here are 5 examples to illustrate […] For example, salivary buffers (e.g., bicarbonate ions) decrease the concentration of free hydrogen ions (sour taste), and there are some salivary proteins which may bind with bitter taste substances. Top science stories featured on ScienceDaily's home page. And eight minutes is still very little compared to the five and a half hours it takes for the Sun’s light to reach Pluto. What is used to colour stained-glass windows? Another interesting exotic state of matter is represented by time crystals — regular, boringly ordered crystals with a twist: A fourth dimension, time, is added so that the material exhibits different periodic structures over time. And today science has become an important subject. The vast majority of living organisms on Earth need oxygen to survive, converting it into carbon dioxide as they breathe. Your stomach digests food thanks to highly corrosive hydrochloric acid with a pH of 2 to 3. An octopus also has nine brains — well, sort of. Hawaii sits in the middle of the Pacific Plate, which is slowly drifting north-west towards the North American Plate, back to Alaska. Randomization was performed for the treatment of interest. During this process, carbon dioxide and water are converted into energy, releasing oxygen as a by-product. Seeds, a plastic container, and an old CD case are all you need for this easy at-home science experiment that demonstrates the miracle of life… Covering 5.5 million square kilometres (2.1 million square miles), the Amazon rainforest cycles a significant proportion of the Earth’s oxygen, absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide at the same time. Science in everyday life. “If you set [down] a cup with a liquid circulating around and you come back 10 minutes later, of course, it’s stopped moving,” says John Beamish, an experimental physicist at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Over the coming hundreds of millions of … If it were positioned at the center of our sun, its radius would extend out past the orbit of Mars. Our planet will become a vast desert similar to Mars today. © 2007-2019 ZME Science - Not exactly rocket science. Orcas are highly intelligent, highly adaptable and able to communicate and coordinate hunting tactics. The small “You Are Here” sticker that indicates your position on a map has a name- it’s called an ideo locator. All Rights Reserved. Carbon dating estimates a fossil’s age more precisely, based on the rate of decay of radioactive elements such as carbon-14. The Science Lesson: Watch a Baby Plant Grow. Because of this common origin, all the planets move around the Sun in the same direction and on roughly the same plane. However, this list is much too short; keep it growing by adding your own science facts in the comments section. Acceleration is the change in speed of an object over time, often measured in ‘g’s, with one g equal to the acceleration caused by. No longer a mere liquid, the helium has become a superfluid — a liquid that flows without friction. We all know helium as a gas for blowing up balloons and making people talk like chipmunks, but what most people don’t know is that it comes in two distinct liquid states — one of which is borderline creepy. The bears keep warm due to a thick layer of blubber under the skin. To make sure you never miss an issue of How It Works magazine, subscribe today! If you maintain that daily average and live until 80 years of age, you’ll have walked about 216,262,500 steps in your lifetime. The alkali metals have only one electron on their outer shell, making them ultra-keen to pass on this unwanted passenger to another element via bonding. This extra flexibility helps them pass through the birth canal and also allows for rapid growth. To achieve this, metals tend to shed electrons. So let’s understand our world better by going through these interesting facts about science. Why doesn’t a spider get stuck in its own web? For more science and technology articles, pick up the latest copy of How It Works from all good retailers or from our website now. As further sediment built up on top, the pressure compressed the coccoliths to form rock, creating chalk deposits such as the white cliffs of Dover. You’d need to eat 10,000,000 bananas at once to die of radiation poisoning, Forbes reports. As a result they form compounds with other elements so readily that they don’t exist independently in nature. Email Us: educationministrypr@gmail.com Phone Numbers: 223-7900 / 223-1168 Open Hours: 8am- 4:30pm / Mon - Thurs 8am - 3:30pm / Fri But beyond these common states of matter, scientists have discovered a myriad of exotic states of matter that occur under special conditions. For this reason, large structures such as bridges are built with expansion joints which allow them some leeway to expand and contract without causing any damage. 2. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, spread over a proportionately vast area. Dec. 8, 2020 — Two new studies shed new light on how the brain encodes time and place into … Life Science News. There were no merging errors or missing data. They also all spin in the same direction (counterclockwise if observed from ‘above’) – except Uranus and Venus. Coral reefs consist of huge numbers of individual coral polyps (soft-bodied, invertebrate animals) that are linked together by tissue. Male grasshoppers use sounds to call for mates and to claim territory. Everyday science. 02/05/2019. The average human body carries ten times more bacterial cells than human cells. Other males can hear the sounds and judge the size of a potential rival. Why don’t more people appreciate science? Whether in cellphones, cars, torches, toys, or any other appliance, batteries act as saviors … SCIENCE...-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. Your source for the latest research news. According to a UN report from 2015, 2.5 billion of the world's 7 billion people lack access to a toilet, particularly… However, the term whale is typically reserved for baleen whales of the Mysticeti suborder. More science facts after the jump. DNA molecules of this size are 1.7 to 8.5 cm long when uncoiled — about 5 cm on average. Tiny single-celled algae called coccolithophores have lived in Earth’s oceans for 200 million years. Glass is actually a liquid, it just flows very, very slowly. Hot, less-dense rock rises before cooling and sinking, giving rise to circular convection currents which act like giant conveyor belts, slowly shifting the tectonic plates above them. Our Solar System started off as a swirling cloud of dust and gas which eventually collapsed into a spinning disc with the Sun at its centre. Lined up by the Earth’s spin, these currents combine to create a magnetic field, used by compass needles worldwide. A recap of Live Science's best. Babies have about 300 bones at birth, with cartilage between many of them. In just over 2 billion years, temperatures will be high enough to evaporate our oceans, making life on Earth impossible. This is because as well as being particles, electrons act like waves. If your child has an upcoming science fair and is interested in microbiology, botany, or the human body, Education.com has you covered with cool and easy life science and biology projects that will have little biologists doing everything from building models of cells to determining if people can be genetically predisposed to hearing loss. In order for food to have taste, chemicals from the food must first dissolve in saliva. Everybody knows that there at least three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Studies have shown a 50% increased odds of survival if … A healthy heart also beats around 70 times a minute. In the Milky Way alone there might be as many 100 billion Earth-like planets. Conversely, a drop in temperature causes it to contract again. When the octopus swims, the organ heart stops beating, which explains why these creatures prefer to crawl rather than swim (it exhausts them). Water can boil and freeze at the same time. Add to this a dense fur coat and they can endure the chilliest Arctic day. The reason is that Betelgeuse is a supergiant star — the largest type of star in the Universe. Two-thirds of an octopus’ neurons reside in its arms, which can independently figure out how to open a shellfish, for instance, while the main brain is busy doing something else. Gut bacteria is also very important for maintaining immunity. More: Everyday Life Facts. This effect is most dramatic in gases but occurs in liquids and solids such as iron too. Tenstone. The data pull went perfectly. Did you feel a difference? Because time crystals are never able to settle down, say into a diamond or ruby, there’s a lot we can learn from them. In space, light travels at 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles) per second. In a way, some of the light that reaches us today is energy produced millions of years ago. Thankfully, plants continually replenish our planet’s oxygen levels through photosynthesis. This happens because atoms in the liquid will collide with one another and slow down. All elements strive to be chemically stable – in other words, to have a full outer electron shell. All Rights Reserved. Doing the math;  the average person with the average stride living until 80 will walk a distance of around 110,000 miles — which is the equivalent of walking about 5 times around the Earth, right on the equator. Even at this breakneck speed, covering the 150 million odd kilometres (93 million miles) between us and the Sun takes considerable time. However, this fragile coral colony is beginning to crumble, battered by the effects of climate change, pollution, and manmade disasters. The microbes inside you, the edges of the known universe, and all the amazing stuff in between. The lining still needs to be replaced continually, and it entirely renews itself every four days. After this session, drink a glass of water and repeat. How It Works © 2020. There is enough DNA in an average person's body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back -- 17 times. Coccolithophores are just one of many prehistoric species that have been immortalised in fossil form, but how do we know how old they are? Follow Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Subscribe RSS … Don’t worry, though: most of these bacteria are helpful. A neutron star is the remnants of a massive star that has run out of fuel. I'm joining 35 wonderful kid bloggers this week to provide TONS of ideas & activities for summer learning and fun. It is smaller than the width of a human hair … 1. GK Questions and Answers on Everyday Science There are many things that go on in daily life and can be attributed to scientific practices . Typical neutron stars have a mass of up to three solar masses, which is crammed into a sphere with a radius of approximately ten kilometres (6.2 miles) – resulting in some of the densest matter in the known universe. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. Females can hear the sound that males make and judge the relative size of the male from the pitch of the call (large males make deeper sounds). You have about 5 liters of blood in your body (at least, most people do) and the average heart pumps about 70 mL of blood out with each beat. Communities are built on science. The major physical feature that ensures orcas are dolphins is the presence of a melon — a fatty deposit that assists the animals in echolocation and only exists in dolphins. Not every student will grow up and study physics on a deeper level, but everyone uses basic physics concepts to navigate everyday life. Win a smartwatch and wireless headphones worth £230! There are certain metals – including potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium and caesium – that are so reactive that they oxidise (or tarnish) instantly when exposed to air. Join the ZME newsletter for amazing science news, features, and exclusive scoops. It’s funny how … Earth’s inner core is a sphere of solid iron, surrounded by liquid iron. he distance from the sun to Pluto and then back again is, 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to its surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth, 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than human cells, Betelgeuse is likely to explode into a supernova. 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