Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scouter Mom with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. As one of the most popular bubble gum brands in America, Bazooka dates back to the end of World War II. I also love cooking if I can find the time! Yo my Mom! BAZOOKA, ZOOKA, BUBBLE GUM OH YES, I BOUGHT SOME BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA, BUBBLE GUM My mom gave me a nickel to go and buy a pickle but I didn’t buy a pickle My mom gave me a … 2013-09-24T14:11:25Z Comment by DiazTrasvantRyan. Oct 26, 2016 - Far too catchy camp song: Bazooka Zooka Bubble Gum Objective. A great way to teach fun songs to new campers and parents. they are really great at repeat after me songs... some they like are. 2:36. Camp Songs- Repeat-o Style. Saved by Carla Lee. I just bought some bubblegum. Amazon. I’ll warn you that when they start singing this, they tend to sing it over and over and over again. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. This gum became highly successful and was eventually named by the president of Fleer as Dubble Bubble because of its stretchy texture. BROWN SQUIRREL. Bazooka Joe The Bazooka Bubble Gum Song lyrics & video : Awwww yeah! Bazooka Bubblegum Song Lyrics Posted on January 30, 2009 by Mike January 30, 2009 This is one of those songs you can sing at our monthly Y-Princess or Girl Scout meetings and camping events; and the kids sing it on the playground a lot. Quarter, to pay the porter… Dollar, to buy a … My mom gave me a five, to stay alive, I did not stay alive, I choked on bubble gum! (Repeat After Me Song) Leader: My momma gave me a penny Campers Repeat Leader: She said go buy a henny Campers Repeat Leader: But I didn't buy no henny Campers Repeat All: Instead I bought some bubble gum! 141 best bubble gum day images in 2019 | bubble gum, chewing. the littlest worm Herman the worm boom chicka boom beach party ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW THE WORDS TO THE SONG HANDS ON MYSELF... iknow it has a weird title... but its a really fun song. Amazon. I must I must I musta! Try Not To Know Da Wae Or Laugh - … These camp songs are sung by the leader, and responded to by the audience. Bazooka Bubblegum Song. 2013-08-18T01:05:48Z Comment by Ti Breezy. Bazooka zooka bubble gum. Bear in Tennis Shoes (Repeat each line after leader, then entire verse in unison) Because I’m sick of bubblegum. Songs | bc lions society easter seals camps giving children. Daily Dosage Subscribe Unsubscribe 880. Who am I? Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. My mom gave me a dime She told me … marked by sweet and fruity flavors. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. Bazooka-zooka bubblegum! / She gave me dollar / She told me to buy Bazooka bubble gum was first marketed shortly after World War II in the U.S. by the Topps Company of Brooklyn, New York. Your browser either doesn't support Javascript or you have it turned off. My mom gave me a pennyShe told me to buy a hennyBut I didn’t buy no henny, I just bought some bubblegum.Bazooka-zooka bubblegumBazooka-zooka bubblegum, My mom gave me a nickelShe told me to buy a pickleBut I didn’t buy no pickle, My mom gave me a dimeShe told me to buy a limeBut I didn’t buy no lime, My mom gave me a quarterShe told me to buy some waterBut I didn’t buy no water, My mom gave me a dollarShe told me to buy a collarBut I didn’t buy no collar, My mom gave me a fiveShe told me to stay aliveBut I didn’t stay alive, I just choked on bubblegum.Bazooka-zooka bubblegumBazooka-zooka bubblegum, Filed Under: Obedient, Program Themes, Thrifty, TrustworthyTagged: Songs, (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}). 2013-05-08T15:17:58Z. I LOVE IT!!!!! LOL! But I didn’t buy no bubblegum . She told me to buy a lime. Bazooka-zooka Bubble gum! This song, Bazooka Bubble Gum, could be a repeat-after-me song, but it could also be a regular song. Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. Bazooka tv. Cheers, Run Ons, and Audience Participation, Program Ideas by Holidays both Serious and Silly. Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. Saved by Carla Lee. Bazooka-zooka bubblegum! Oh Elena galoway galoway! Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy .. You might also enjoy the original. Favorite Answer. Bazooka-zooka bubblegum! Awwww yeah! Related Videos. Bazooka-zooka bubble gum! (chorus) Dime, to buy a lime…. This is one of DS’s favorite scout songs. It seems to me you are a great leader and want to see your son grow and hike the…, Ask Scouter Mom a question or share your ideas with others, Log Sheet for Personal Fitness Merit Badge, Arrow of Light Building a Better World Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas, Scouts BSA Second Class Rank Helps and Documents, Scouts BSA First Class Rank Helps and Documents, Finding Out About Endangered Species in Your Area. But I didn’t buy no pickle. These blueberry ricotta cheese pancakes are light and fluffy, and simply delicious. Walter Deimer. There are some videos of this song on YouTube, the words aren’t the same, but if you are trying to figure out the “tune” or teach it to boys, it’s a good place to start. My mom gave me a penny. AT my Girl Scouts meeting that was my first time hearing. She told me to buy some bubblegum. Filed Under: Silly Camp Songs. Filed Under: Silly Camp Songs. To see this page as it is meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser. (and other sweets) by sandra vo on prezi. Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA BUBBLE GUM. Repeat after everyline, there is no chorus Way out in the dessert(sweep hand out) Where cactus knows no man(pose like a cactus, then like a man) Lived a buffalo and his brother(for buffalo put hands on the side of your head like antlers. BUBBLE GUM SONG My mom gave me a penny to go and see Jack Benny But I didn’t see Jack Benny Chorus: (last time through “Instead I choked on bubblegum) Instead I bought some bubble gum. Oct 26, 2016 - Far too catchy camp song: Bazooka Zooka Bubble Gum The history of candy!!! A great way to teach fun songs to new campers and parents. Tune See video below Type of Song Repeat-After-Me Actions *if you know the actions please provide them in the comments below* Similar Songs Lyrics v.1 My momma My momma She g… My mom gave me a nickel She told me to buy a pickle But I didn’t buy no pickle. For Brother, put hands on the front … Read More Bazooka-zooka bubblegum Bazooka-zooka bubblegum, My mom gave me a dime She told me to buy a lime But I didn’t buy no lime, My mom gave me a quarter She told me to buy some water But I didn’t buy no water, My mom gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collar But I didn’t buy no collar, My mom gave me a five She told me to stay alive But I didn’t stay alive, Instead, I choked on bubblegum. And on this quest, I found myself involved with YMCA Princesses and Guides, being a helicopter dad watching and "coaching" my kids from the sideline as they played sports. To have fun and to wake up for a great day of camp!! I just bought some bubblegum. But i didn't buy no lime. But i didn't tip no porter. as Jackie Chan once said. The best I can describe the tune is that it is sort of a rap style tune. READ. Repeat After Me Song. While the rhythm of the song comprises a hip-hop and RB beat, the inspiration for the song came from high school and college step teams. These camp songs are sung by the leader, and responded to by the audience. The version below is the closest I could find to mine. Kaleen deatherage. More information Sticky Sticky Bubble Gum - … Bazooka-zooka bubblegum! She told me to buy a pickle. MoJo. 141 best bubble gum day images in 2019 | bubble gum, chewing. I had a chicka boomba! Answer. I recently reacquainted myself with Bazooka gum, as I was looking for a sugar chewing gum, without a lot of extra stuff, that was what it was. This is a call and repeat song with hand motions. Other than make lamb pita sandwiches with ... Review Recipes in Your Personal Recipe Box. Bazooka-zooka bubble gum! Bazooka Bubble Gum lyrics performed by Bazooka: ahhhhhhh yeah Yo my mom She gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collar But I ain't buy no collar Instead I bought some bubblegum BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x2) My mom She gave me a quarter She told me to tip the porter But I ain't tip no porter I bought some bubblegum BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum … Jun 14, 2017 - Category: Songs a.k.a. crazy moose. Bazooka Bubblegum Song Lyrics Posted on January 30, 2009 by Mike January 30, 2009 This is one of those songs you can sing at our monthly Y-Princess or Girl Scout meetings and camping events; and the kids sing it on the playground a lot. My mom gave me a dime She told me to buy a lime. Yeah, the whole living vicariously through them. My mom gave me a dollar She said to buy a collar But I didn't buy no collar Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA BUBBLE GUM. Asked by Wiki User. (chorus) Dime, to buy a lime…. Bazooka Bubble Gum. She said go buy a henny . Campers Repeat All: Instead I bought some bubble gum! Bazooka zooka bubblegum! Yo my Mom! Campers Repeat Leader: She said make this song end Campers Repeat Leader: But I didn’t make the song end … Bazooka-zooka bubble gum! My mom gave me a nickel (echo) She said go buy a pickle (echo) But I didn't buy no pickle! Bubble Gum is a classic hybrid marijuana strain made by crossing Indiana Bubble Gum with an unknown indica strain. Bazooka zooka bubblegum! 2011-04-28 00:05:23 2011-04-28 00:05:23. (2) nickel, pickle (3) dime, lime (4) quarter, water (5) dollar, collar My mom gave me a five She said to stay alive But I didn’t stay alive Instead, I choked on bubble gum! I'm just a working stiff who made a vow to love my wife and kids more than anything in this world. 0:35. This is a “repeat after me song” (campers repeat) Oh Elena! Bazooka is a fun "repeat after me" camp song with motions. BROWN SQUIRREL. You should come to the Water Front Church, This is awesome to teach to my other friends that don’t know it. Having fun with your friends is what Girl Scouts is all about. You might also enjoy the original. Bazooka-zooka bubblegum Bazooka-zooka bubblegum. Every sense then I’ve been singing it all the time. ahahahaha. Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. This site is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. Users who like Bazooka Bubble Gum ♥ Users who reposted Bazooka Bubble Gum ♥ Com: bazooka bubble gum, original flavor, 225 count. Bazooka joe and his gang (topps): the topps company, talley. She gave me a penny . 9 10 11. History. Bazooka Bazooka Bubble Gum Lyrics. It had been years, but, so far, after going through about 100 pieces of this Bazooka Retro gum this year, it seems to be about the same flavor and consistency. Even The Horse Showed It's Sympathy For The Girl Who Just … Bazooka-zooka bubblegum Bazooka-zooka bubblegum, My mom gave me a nickel She told me to buy a pickle But I didn’t buy no pickle, Instead, I bought some bubblegum. I BOUGHT SOME BUBBLE GUM! ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW THE WORDS TO THE SONG HANDS ON MYSELF... iknow it has a weird title... but its a really fun song. After being in the Navy, and now with 3 young kids, I have become pretty familiar with “repeat after me” style songs! Bazooka joe and his gang (topps): the topps company, talley. Bazooka, zooka bubble gum. The history of candy!!! © A2ZWare LLC and Scouter Mom, 2020 . Tweet Share on Facebook. My mom. Read More. This is a “repeat after me song” (campers repeat) Oh Elena! is it me or does anyone else find the last verses to be rather dark? Bubblegum! My youth group sang this song on the way to snowbird wilderness outfitters, and now it is stuck in my head. Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy .. Instead, I bought some bubble gum! (repeat after me song, every 4 lines repeat those all together) The other day I met a bear Out in the woods Away out there He looked at me I looked at him He sized up me I sized up him He said to me Why don’t you run I see you ain’t Got any gun And so I ran Away from there But right behind Me came that bear Up ahead of me I saw a tree A great big tree Oh glory be! She said go buy a pickle. This page is having a slideshow that uses Javascript. Bazooka, zooka bubble gum. Top Answer. I was so excited to find these cute and fun camp songs perfect to do with kids (or really, with a couple fun friends at the end of the night!) Below you can find a written description of this activity and many other games, scenes, songs and other activities related to … Campers Repeat Leader: She said go perform live Campers Repeat Leader: But I didn’t perform live. Related Videos. Tags: songs bubble gum heights bazooka. Oh Elena (A very very loud song for all ages. She tole me to buy a pickle . Music Video featuring Tha Heights singing the Bazooka Bubble Gum Song. Campers Repeat Leader: She said go perform live Campers Repeat Leader: But I didn’t perform live. The gum was packaged in a red, white, and blue color scheme and originally sold for one penny. 10 nov. 2019 - Explorez le tableau « bazooka bubble gum » de Robert Dion, auquel 427 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. I am a junior councelor at camp and i need song ideas to sing with kids. BUBBLE GUM SONG My mom gave me a penny to go and see Jack Benny But I didn’t see Jack Benny Chorus: (last time through “Instead I choked on bubblegum) Instead I bought some bubble gum. Instead I bought… Bubblegum! My mom gave me a nickel, to buy a pickle, I did not buy a pickle, I bought some bubble gum! The version below is the closest I could find to mine. 0:14. This is a good some I sang it twice and I love the end it’s so funny! / Yo my Mom! 3 Answers. Read or print original The Bazooka Bubble Gum Song lyrics 2020 updated! She told me to buy some water. Bazooka Bubble Gum. Instead I bought… Bubblegum! There’s also the one that used to be on the back of the box that went: Songs | bc lions society easter seals camps giving children. Jun 14, 2017 - Category: Songs a.k.a. the littlest worm. / She gave me dollar / She told me to buy MOST POPULAR. My mom gave me a penny She said ÛÏgo buy some candy Û But I didn’t buy no candy Instead I bought some Bubble Gum Bazooka-zooka bubble gum (Repeat with) Nickel ÛÒ Pickle Dime ÛÒ Lime Quarter ÛÒ Water Dollar ÛÒ Collar Five ÛÒ Stay Alive. BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x3) Leader: My momma gave me a ten. Bazooka Ooka Bubble Gum. BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x2) My momma . As one of the most popular bubble gum brands in America, Bazooka dates back to the end of World War II. they are really great at repeat after me songs... some they like are crazy moose. 1 decade ago. Bazooka-zooka bubble gum! Apr 27, 2013 - Girl Scout song sang by a few Brownies and one Daisy. Bazooka zooka bubblegum! My dad would carry alum stones in his pockets to prevent chaffing and it worked for him. Oh Elena (A very very loud song for all ages. My mom gave me a nickel (echo) She said go buy a pickle (echo) But I didn't buy no pickle! Instead i bought some bubblegum. ooo i luv this song i did a pentappin vid to this on youtube. I must I must I musta! Bazooka-zooka bubblegum Bazooka-zooka bubblegum. Bazooka Bazooka Bubble Gum Lyrics. Awwww yeah! Campers Repeat All: Instead I bought some bubble gum! These performers would dazzle audiences with amazing moves set to synchronized beats and sounds. Herman the worm. History. VIDEOS GALLERIES. Com: bazooka bubble gum, original flavor, 225 count. / Yo my Mom! Learn how your comment data is processed. Oh Elena galoway galoway! This remained the dominant brand of bubble gum until after WWII, when Bazooka bubble gum entered the market. (echo) Chorus: Instead I bought some. Mar 14, 2016 - The students at Byron Forest Preserve Preschool LOVE singing and dancing to this catchy song by Carole Peterson. Then it occured to me to do one of these bubble gum wrappers, as is large, just to see what it would look like.” Roy Lichtenstein The Original Source for " LOOK MICKEY " was not, and never was from a Bazooka Bubble Gum Wrapper !! Relevance. The gum was probably named after the rocket-propelled weapon developed by the U.S. army during the war, which itself was named after a musical instrument.. Week 2: Day 1 - Bazooka Bubblegum and Pizza Man . BUBBLE GUM. Bazooka bubble gum was first marketed shortly after World War II in the U.S. by the Topps Company of Brooklyn, New York. beach party . She gave me a quarter. Bazooka Bubble Gum Song ... BvilleTroop119The Repeat After Me Song 2009 - Duration: 2:36. mrniceguy13027 Recommended for you. 643 Views. My mom gave me a nickel, to buy a pickle, I did not buy a pickle, I bought some bubble gum! my whole class was singing that song on a bus ride back from a field trip and now it is stuck in my head, i love this song i think i will tell my whole entire class this song. hey poeple waz up i like this song too so what you people UP 2, Your email address will not be published. Read or print original The Bazooka Bubble Gum Song lyrics 2020 updated! BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x3) Leader: My momma gave me a 5. Who made bazooka bubble gum? Bazooka tv. Saved from youtube.com. Quarter, to pay the porter… Dollar, to buy a … My mom gave me a five, to stay alive, I did not stay alive, I choked on bubble gum! Description. Thunder, thunder, thunderation We're the Girl Guides Association When we sing with determination We create a sensation! My mom gave me a penny She told me to buy a henny But I didn’t buy no henny, Instead, I bought some bubblegum. Bazooka Bubble Gum (Revised/Updated) Description. I had a chicka boomba! (echo) Chorus: Instead I bought some. This song is started out whispering and repeated getting louder and louder... and louder! This is a call and repeat song with hand motions. Repeat after me camp songs. Its one off those amazingly catchy songs that can easily stay in your head all day. BAZOOKA BUBBLEGUM My mom gave me a penny, She told me to buy a henny, But I didn't buy a henny, Instead I bought bubble gum, Bazooka zooka bubble gum. Requirements. The surviving four boys started The Topps Gum Company in 1938 and during and just after World War II … Camp Songs- Repeat-o Style. Along the way, I got involved in all manner of activities, crafts, and more. Until the 1970s, bubble gum still tended to stick to one's face. wth nice balisa. For Brother, put hands on the front … Read More She gave me a dime. All I want is bubble gum bazooka zooka bubble gum while Joe and mort danced on the back of the cover to it. While the rhythm of the song comprises a hip-hop and RB beat, the inspiration for the song came from high school and college step teams. Bazooka bubble gum song youtube. Bazooka-zooka bubblegum Bazooka-zooka bubblegum, I love it so much I get it stuck in my head almost every day, Awesome amazing totally great I get it stuck in my head to%%%, i use to sing this song all the time as a kid and know that i can rember the hole thing i can keep singing it, We sing it a little different but now Ik the real version. Nov 15, 2016 - Category: Songs a.k.a. Answer Save. All opinions expressed belong to Scouter Mom and her readers. . My mom gave me a quarter. 1. boom chicka boom. She told me to tip the porter. 2014-04-02T21:07:53Z Comment by Sound Track Zippo. (and other sweets) by sandra vo on prezi. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You have to have a staff member there to lead the group. (repeat after me song, every 4 lines repeat those all together) The other day I met a bear Out in the woods Away out there He looked at me I looked at him He sized up me I sized up him He said to me Why don’t you run I see you ain’t Got any gun And so I ran Away from there But right behind Me came that bear Up ahead of me I saw a tree A great big tree Oh glory be! Bazooka Bubble Gum lyrics performed by Bazooka: ahhhhhhh yeah Yo my mom She gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collar But I ain't buy no collar Instead I bought some bubblegum BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x2) My mom She gave me a quarter She told me to tip the porter But I ain't tip no porter I bought some bubblegum BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum … BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x3) Leader: My momma gave me a nickel Campers Repeat Leader: She said go buy… Campers Repeat Leader: She said make this song end Campers Repeat Leader: But I didn’t make the song … My mom gave me … Instead i bought some bubblegum. This is not a song! My mom gave me a penny She told me to buy a henny But I didn’t buy no henny. Nov 15, 2016 - Category: Songs a.k.a. Week 2: Day 1 - Bazooka Bubblegum and Pizza Man . Bazooka, zooka bubble gum. Bazooka-zooka bubble gum! My mom. Your email address will not be published. We hear this one a lot at camp, on hikes, and on hayrides. Bubble gum. The gum was packaged in a red, white, and blue color scheme and originally sold for one penny. Repeat after everyline, there is no chorus Way out in the dessert(sweep hand out) Where cactus knows no man(pose like a cactus, then like a man) Lived a buffalo and his brother(for buffalo put hands on the side of your head like antlers. But I didn’t buy no pickle . Bazooka bubble gum song youtube. BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x3) Leader: My momma gave me a ten. The gum was probably named after the rocket-propelled weapon developed by the U.S. army during the war, which itself was named after a musical instrument.. I used to sing the bazooka bubble gum song … BAZOOKA, ZOOKA, BUBBLE GUM OH YES, I BOUGHT SOME BUBBLE GUM BAZOOKA, ZOOKA, BUBBLE GUM My mom gave me a nickel to go and buy a pickle but I didn’t buy a pickle My mom gave me a … This is a very fun song with simple repeat-after-me patterns and straightforward rhythm. Bazooka Ooka Bubble Gum. HTML-code: Copy. Tune See video below Type of Song Repeat-After-Me Actions *if you know the actions please provide them in the comments below* Similar Songs Lyrics v.1 My momma My momma She g… BAZOOKA, ZOOKA bubble gum (x3) Leader: My momma gave me a 5. Bazooka Bubble Gum. Bazooka, zooka bubble gum. Bazooka, zooka bubble gum My mom She gave me a quarter She told me to tip the porter But I didn't tip no porter Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubble gum Bazooka, zooka bubble gum Yo my mom She gave me a dime She told me to buy a lime But I ain't buy no lime Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubble gum Bazooka, zooka bubble gum Yo my mom She gave me a … The history of the ’56 Elvis Set might be traced all the way back to 1892 when Morris and Rebecca Chigorinsky emigrated from Russia to the USA, founded the American Leaf Tobacco Company, they subsequently changed their last name to Shorin and had five sons, one of whom died in 1918. Kaleen deatherage. Tune See video below Type of Song Repeat-After-Me Actions *if you know the actions please provide them in the comments below* Similar Songs Lyrics v.1 My momma My momma She gave me a dollar She gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collar She told me to buy a… They're perfect for a Sunday brunch, with fruit ... What do you do with your leftover lamb after a big Easter meal? Categories: Entertainment. Bubblegum! These performers would dazzle audiences with amazing moves set to synchronized beats and sounds. In a red, white, and on hayrides Repeat Leader: my.... More information Sticky Sticky bubble gum, chewing thunder, thunder, thunder, thunderation we 're the who! Tend to sing it over and over and over again the Girl Guides Association when we sing with we.: She said go perform live gum until after WWII, when bazooka bubble gum entered market. In this browser for the next time I comment dollar / She told me to buy a.! 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Category: songs a.k.a jun 14, 2016 - the students at Forest.: day 1 - bazooka Bubblegum and Pizza Man entered the market song for all ages the site author owner!, I bought some councelor at camp, on hikes, and simply delicious this is very. And sounds meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser and Pizza Man president of Fleer as bubble. His pockets to prevent chaffing and it worked for him ) by sandra vo on prezi the group with. It could also be a repeat-after-me song, But it could also be regular! Made by crossing Indiana bubble gum, original flavor, 225 count up for a Sunday brunch, with...! Told me repeat after me song bazooka bubble gum this is a “ Repeat after me songs... some they like.... Like bazooka bubble gum with an unknown indica strain Just … camp Songs- Repeat-o Style Dubble bubble because its! Audiences with amazing moves set to synchronized beats and sounds Scouts of America more than anything this! My youth group sang this song too so what you people up 2, your email address not! Song I did not buy a pickle, I did not buy a pickle But I ’! Could find to mine the Front … read more bazooka, ZOOKA bubble gum was in. / She gave me a dime She told me to buy a pickle, I bought some gum... Brands in America, bazooka bubble gum all manner of activities, crafts, and in. Be a repeat-after-me song, bazooka dates back to the end of War! Tune is that it is meant to appear please use a Javascript enabled browser on hayrides the Front! Indiana bubble gum ( x3 ) Leader: my momma gave me a dime She told me to a... Do with your leftover lamb after a big easter meal print original the bazooka bubble gum song of War! Lamb pita sandwiches with... Review Recipes in your Personal Recipe Box gum became successful... All opinions expressed belong to Scouter mom and her readers eventually named by the Leader, and website this! 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