Transiting Chiron conjunct Natal Ascendant. With Uranus conjunct Ascendant, however, it is difficult to find any common links at all. Asc in Gemini, 19/21* with NN at 18*. I completely relate to the fiercely independent thing! Uranus Conjunction Ascendant You are in a high-risk period for physical accidents and personal harm, take extra precautions to protect yourself by moving more deliberately and thoughtfully. However, once this transit has passed only some of the new things and people will still appeal to you. The thing to remember during this transit is – it moves slowly, between 6 to 8 years through an average size house, although that can be a lot longer or shorter depending on the house size. Once you find your niche you can pour your creative energy into something constructive and productive and do something amazing. The transit of Uranus conjunct your natal Ascendant is a hard test for your intimate relationships and for your friendships. Transiting Uranus trine natal Lilith This is a very fortunate time for you to flaunt your individuality and show your unique nature. Mr. Jamie since you wrote the Conjunctions’ on Uranus and Neptune, what can you maybe tell me of the Trine to someone’s Ascendant? If Uranus is located within 10 degrees from your ascendant, you can say that they are conjunct. No kidding…i lost my shoes once running fast away from a lightning storm as the bolts were chasing me down the road LOL!! I expect that the Ascendant transit is a “this is who I am, dammit” kind of transit, much like your partner expresses when Uranus crosses your Descendant. I have been electrocuted severely, thrown across a room by a powerful shock from phase 3 electricity….only for the electrician to test the applicance that shocked me to find nothing wrong!! These contacts are very close to exact. The Uranus motto here is, out with the old, and in with the new. In astrology, Uranus is about breaking rules and demolishing established patterns or structures. Anything that you feel is tying you down or holding you back will be in line for change. Exciting new opportunities in my career? All transitting aspects to the Ascendant are exciting but the conjunction is the most powerful. Thanks Bpurple. Uranian energy is wonderful on the whole – surprises, shocks, and those moments of pure, unadulterated mind-aweing intuitive insights! This period of time will be highly energetic and stimulating, as well as quite surprising. You may need an open relationship based mostly on friendship and mutual freedom. The only way they can hold on to you now is by giving you complete freedom. My relationship with my partner is due for Uranus conjunct Ascendant transit in coming few months as per our compatibility forecast. A busy, yet enjoyable, period for gathering with friends where the unexpected can happen at any moment! You may also rebel against restrictions that you feel have been enforced by other people, especially your partners. Your rebellious and erratic behavior may upset your loved ones who feel they don’t know you anymore. The sooner you accept and welcome the necessary change the less disruption it will cause. – Uranus conjunct, square or opposing your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars ... For more on transits from Uranus in Taurus, download my webinar: Uranus in Taurus: Transits for a New Era. I also have UR conjunct ASC and I am plagued by static electricity in my clothes during wintertime. And they’re staying for months. You are experimental, original, and have trouble conforming to tradition or societal standards. Transiting Ceres trine Natal Uranus. However, if you are already happy with your life and your partner then this can be a liberating and exciting time of life without shattering the security and stability of your life. It brings about unexpected encounters with others. I have this placement natally and i am sooo scared of electricity now! In fact, there’s such an immediate and urgent need for this personal liberation that you’ll likely make very sudden changes, especially in the way you present yourself to others. Transit Uranus Conjunct My Ascendant. You must have an open-minded partner who accepts your need for space and freedom. Is it even possible for all four angles to have a simultaneous Uranus contact? I have Sun conjunct Uranus and have also had some shocking experiences, from touching electric fences up to what you experienced hitting the wall on the other side of the room. Uranus brings with it the reversal of fortune, and sudden windfall could be yours when it hits the cusp. ME TOO ,smartmeters were deployed and immediately destroyed my health when uranus entered aries 2011 ,AND MY ELECTROHYPERSENSITIVITY CAME when uranus neared conjunction with my 26 degree aries ascendant and continued to transit back and forth over that degree, LOL Jamie….you certainly will have to be careful of electric! Electric storms are dangerous too – i used to love to watch them…but when they get too close the bolts of lightning chase me! Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. This will often be confusing to the people in your life who can’t understand your sudden shift. The Uranus transit will launch you into a different orbit, and you will either start your own completely unique career, or drop the nine to five job and become free-lance. Find a healthy outlet for this nervous energy and take better care of your health. In the beginning I worked partly as a remedial massage therapist, and was building by astrology practice. It is important to be comfortable with being unique and different from the norm. Currently have Uranus conjunct 26 Aries descendant, so opposite ascendant, I can see where the opposite view to what yoi have described is happening, in bursts, can you do transit Uranus conjunct 26 aries Moon please? Do not be scared, you had better think about why it … Outer Planet Transits To The Ascendant Are Everyday Catharthis. If Vesta is close to the Ascendant, there may have been some blockage at the time of birth. Uranus Conjunct Natal Ascendant You will find a great deal of energy during this time and you will want to break free from restrictions and obligations that have held you down in the past. You may start dressing more outrageously to reflect this sense of personal freedom, and your actions are likely to be rebellious or stubborn. Take care that your obscure sense of humor and need for stimulation does not lead to teasing other people. Hate to get shocked and do weird things to minimize feeling them. You will have such an urgent need for this liberation you may make drastic changes in your lifestyle, appearance and even job. The other is where thoughts… Uranus is associated with technology, innovation, discovery, and all that is progressive. URANUS CONJUNCT YOUR MIDHEAVEN (Long-duration, 5-10+ weeks) You may experience a sudden change in your status. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant: You have a highly developed intuitive faculties and can tap into superconscious levels of knowledge.You're often a leader in revolutionary activities or social, philosophical and scientific breakthroughs or changes. Usually, when looking at the list of celebrities with a particular aspect you find certain trends or similarities. I've gotten you started with how Black Moon Lilith influences you in the natal chart, so now we move to transit Black Moon Lilith.A transit position in astrology is the one that's currently moving through the Zodiac. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Any planets that are conjunct your Ascendant will influence your appearance and personality in a greatly. How you present yourself (Ascendant), your home life and family relationships (IC), your existing relationships and how you approach others (Descendant), and who you are and/or would like to be in the world (Midheaven) can be affected by an influx of sensitivity. Uranus Transits in Aspects to the Natal Ascendant: The Ascendant shows how you start things and how you relate to others. You may desire personal action and pursuit of unusual adventures. Your physical energy level is very high, but with a nervous quality that may manifest as trouble sleeping or nervous ticks. You’ll question your commitments and may decide that they’re too limiting, and partnerships that have become too stale or stagnant will likely end. You never know what to expect other than a surprise or a change. I’m pretty desperate: I have (unless I’m misunderstanding something) Uranus sextile Natal Ascendant and MC, and trine Descendant and IC. Uranus Opposite Ascendant Transit. You may also be more inclined to disregard your responsibilities to business partners or associates. This period of time will be highly energetic and stimulating, as well as quite surprising. (At the moment I’m just isolated and lonely, and harbouring a few light grudges.). You're generally broad-minded, progressive and tolerant and your responses are alert, individualistic and quick. A tremendous boom and brilliant flash of light. No … This is a time when you will try anything to liberate yourself from prior attitudes of self-doubt and insecurity. Uranus on your Ascendant is the ‘give me freedom or else’ astro-passage. You have a tremendous need for liberation now, and many long-time friends of yours will be surprised at the radical changes you will initiate in your life during this time. This applies to any area of your life where you have obligations. During this time, you’ll reclaim your individuality and it will be much more difficult to conform to the expectations of other people. New people who come into your life now are going to be very different from the types of people you associated with before. But your partners may also initiate these changes and suddenly break off the relationship, leaving you confused. You will want to break the mold of the past. Most astrologers use an orb of 6-8 degrees when it comes to conjunctions, but with angles, you can allow a wider orb. ... Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Ascendant. There is a sense of freeing yourself from a previous identity, image, ego-story. Also, some out of body experiences and levitation, all while sleeping or napping. My entire property is fenced with electric fencing to keep animals in…i’ve had a few whacks off it not surprisingly. Uranus Conjunct Descendant transit (Uranus in conjunction with Descendant) in the Traditional Western Predictive Astrology (Daily Horoscope) means: love or friendly relationships may experience some unexpected shocks. A life full of change and excitement may lead to an unsettled feeling or inability to relax. Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Ascendant There's a focus on your relationships during this time. The Uranus conjunct Pluto transit warns people to be careful about changes and their consequences on their lives. Quite a life changing continuum. Uranus conjunct 1st house cusp or the Ascendant. The square and opposition from transiting Uranus are even worse times to get married than when Uranus stressfully aspects Venus. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Vesta in the 2nd House: You have to stop work more often than other people in order to recharge, but this only applies to work where you earn money. An excellent time to attend seminars or educational, spiritual, or healing conventions with groups, clubs, or organizations. Big changes ahead???? Looking forward to Uranus entering my Midheaven, 2º Taurus. People you meet during the Jupiter conjunct ascendant transit can help you broaden your perspective or they can show you the way towards great success. Uranus conjunct ascendant is similar to being an Aquarius rising. The push towards freedom and the need to let go is a symbol that change is more t… Whatever causes you to feel frustrated with or impatient is also in line for change. Whoever you were up until now does not have to define who you'll be from this moment on, and you're absolutely aware of it. During this cycle, your career direction begins to change and your relationships with authority … Your creativity and rebellious nature help you thrive now and the more you are open to opportunities to break out from the status quo, the better. Or am I a freak who is about experience a load of freakish things? I love Uranus great write-up Jamie Much appreciated xx. © Copyright 1998-2021 Veraxs Int'l Inc. All rights reserved. I have natal Uranus conjunct ASC (from the 12th house) — I’m hyper-aware of static electricity! I was going through a Uranus sextile Venus transit when I met an Aquarian man, and Uranus square my seventh house ruler when I met yet another Aquarian man. It is important to mention related to the Jupiter conjunct ascendant transit … The flipside is i have come to appreciate the nature of the ‘electric body’ that is the part of our cellular/biological health – our conductivity which is the ‘life force’ we all have…and healing the electric body heals the physical body. You’re ready to break free from restrictions that have prevented you from expressing yourself to other people. Close relationships like your marriage or business partnerships may come under tremendous stresses as you twist and turn your way through this unpredictable year. Uranus conjunct Ascendant natal gives you a strong need for independence and a rebellious streak. The first sign will be a clash with the powers that be, whether this is the boss or parents. Interesting comments on electric shocks- I’ve had many. I have Uranus and Neptune trine mine in Taurus can you explain a little. Breakthroughs in personal relations, perhaps through unconventional behavior and appearance, may occur. I brace myself for Uranus coming to my Asc, 1 degree Taurus! These restrictions may be self-imposed, as taking on more responsibilities in the recent past forced you to relate to others in a conservative manner. Uranus conjunct Ascendant transit brings an impulsive urge for change and personal freedom. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Conjunct … One man was was having transiting Uranus sextile his natal Venus, and another had transiting Uranus conjunct his natal Venus at the time of our meetings. Never thought of Static-guard – thx Suez! Old relationships may seem unreliable and it could feel like other people are deliberately trying to make your life unstable. In your chart the position of Uranus and the planets it aspects will indicate what areas of your life need to be redefined as well as challenged. Home  /  Aspects  /  Uranus Aspects  /  Uranus Conjunct Ascendant. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit, Full Moon February 27, 2021 – Rule Change, Mercury Retrograde January 30, 2021 – Damocles Syndrome, Full Moon January 28, 2021 – Anger Management. Ariana Grande 0°07′, Leon Blum 0°21′, Karen Carpenter 0°23′, Mary Pierce 0°27′, Linda Marshall 0°53′, Walter Wenck 1°22′, Adelle Davis 1°28′, Michel de Montaigne 1°43′, Robert Wadlow 1°50′, Lleyton Hewitt 1°53′, Susan Miller 2°26′, Johanna Kinkel 2°52′. Changing my professional persona? Uranus conjunct the Ascendant is a time during which you seek to completely revamp who you are and/or how you appear in the world. uranus transit ascendant, uranus transit natal ascendant, uranus conjunct ascendant synastry, uranus conjunct ascendant transit, uranus conjunct ascendant composite, uranus conjunct ascendant natal chart, uranus conjunct ascendant relationship, uranus conjunct ascendant libra, uranus conjunct ascendant scorpio, uranus conjunct ascendant virgo, uranus conjunct ascendant virgo, uranus conjunct ascendant scorpio, composite uranus conjunct ascendant, uranus conjunct asc, uranus conjunct ac. Uranus in First House Conjunct the Ascendant. Transit Uranus Conjunct Ascendant. If badly aspected it could indicate instability or denial of responsibility. , Uranus conjunct AC also has a person inclined to electric shocks! Uranus-Ascendant Transits. I can’t get through the season without a spray can of Static Guard. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Conjunct Ascendant. Suddenness and over spontaneity are your greatest foes for the moment; watchfulness and second thoughts are your friends. You undertake a new direction or take decisive action to overcome personal problems which have denied you wholeness and well-being. When Uranus, the ‘awakener’ comes to the cusp of the 1st house or the Ascendant, expect the unexpected! Screams from everyone. The conjunct aspect is formed when two planets travel together in the same zodiac sign, so they work as a team and combine their energies in a unity. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit – Astrology King I have Uranus conj. If at this moment you are involved in a relationship and this relationship allows you to be yourself fully, it can be transformed rather than destroyed. No matter the diagnosis…if the electrical/mineral nature of our body is imbalanced, our physical health suffers. For Entertainment purposes only. As it moves, it goes through the 12 houses in your natal chart, lighting up the areas of life each house rules in its own way, and coming to certain angles … TRANSITING URANUS Uranus conjunct Ascendant A time that can mean great change for you personally, during which you break away from the past and try new and different ways of presenting yourself. Transit Uranus to Natal Neptune With transit Uranus conjunct your natal Neptune, your creativity is heightened, as is you connection to your dreams, fantasies, and hopes. Problems can arise when you respond too strongly and make hasty … How you express your independent and adventurous nature depends on associated aspects and fixed star conjunctions. The changes will only come to those areas of your life which need changing. Uranus Transits Conjunct Ascendant This transit will occur only once every 84 years and is therefore usually a once-in-a-lifetime transit. You will become quite rebellious, impatient and restless, and will change your mind often. You may suddenly decide to pursue a dream, or dream about change in your life, but not actually do any of it. When crossing the Ascendant, if the truth outs itself about you, it will much more likely be YOU that is doing the outing rather than someone else doing it, as when it crosses the Midheaven. The more boring your routine is the more trouble you will cause trying to make changes. Things will run more smoothly if you stay open-minded and flexible. Chiron transits to your angles can shake up the structures of your life. Relocation is very possible this year as you feel the need for new stimulation. You’ll be much more restless and find it hard to sit still for long periods of time, or to stay in a place that you’ve outgrown. When Uranus transits in your first house, you will feel a strong impulse to break any obstacle or limitation imposed by others. Jupiter conjunct ascendant transit is a period when new people can come into your life, new opportunities can appear, or you can begin studying something new. Vesta in the Houses: Vesta in the 1st House: Every now and then, you have to get away from everybody and everything in order to recharge. When Uranus went over my Ascendant, I had a totally out of the blue breakthrough around a dream job. This transit brings excitement, rebelliousness, and sudden reversals of your life direction. No wonder you’re an excellent astrologer with that prominent placement , Jamie, please! You feel probably limited in your existing relationship and you want to break free from any restraints. One is simple mind wandering where one thought merges into the next one almost seamlessly - a process referred to by Monty Python as Word Association Football. It was 2004 and I was in the early years of self employment. Hi Jamie It was terrifying and thrilling at the same time! People can suddenly come into your life who either disrupt it (not so good) or inspire you toward emancipation. I started writing when Uranus went over my Pisces ascendant many, many moons ago – that for me was an expression of authenticity. The Uranus conjunct Neptune transit nudges us into channelling our unconventional side. Once I saw a bolt of lightning strike transformer at the top of a light pole about when I was standing 20 feet away on an elevated subway platform. You would be labeled a rebel or traitor and may suffer rejection and become further alienated. A rebellious attitude could cause you to resist change just as much as it can cause you to fight for change. The electric energy of Uranus can be felt as anxiety or nervousness but can also give brilliant intuition and creative genius. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. Some more Interpretations of Transit Uranus Conjunct Ascendant from our astrology reports and readings: Many thanks for your wonderful website,upon which I have come to depend with confidence for the most up-to-the minute and accurate celestial information. You’re ready to break free from restrictions that have prevented you from expressing yourself … Uranus opposite Ascendant transit is also called Uranus conjunct Descendant transit. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant. Your intimate relationship may suffer from inability and lack of commitment. This can be a very disruptive time in your life where you leave everything behind and make a totally new start. You will become more interested in astrology and different areas of society and culture. A 12th house stellium and a fascination with meditation has led me to conclude that the mind has basically two modes of working. They will better match your kinky, eccentric, and radical side which is being projected. The conjunct aspect is a very expressive astrological placement, one in which there is a tendency for direct action and self-dramatization. This must be due to the eccentric and changeable nature of the planet. URANUS CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT (Long-duration, 5-10+ weeks) You have a strong urge for freedom to develop your own lifestyle and character. Energy and take better care of your life who either disrupt it ( not so good or. Of responsibility change in your life unstable foes for the moment ; and! To find any common links at all in…i ’ ve had a totally out of experiences. 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