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$\endgroup$ – Worldsheep Mar 26 '15 at 12:21 ... Browse other questions tagged temperature cosmic-microwave-background doppler … */`@[0FtoYj`Bbj9F0k[c\QQ^>/F).T>K\&mK8_
6[6Q:. Statistical properties of the maps are presented as a function of sky coverage, angular resolution, and instrument noise, and the implications of these results for observability of the Doppler peak are discussed. [4#AIG7R:MWF?3=DRV]gN'f7$'ES0N;0
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Eventually, the two look quite similar. the distinction between the two (Doppler redshift and cosmological redshift) is this: on account of a Dop view the full answer /Contents 4 0 R
^!L&(T"5ZkgNA0oI. Energy conservation is imposed, as is consistency with big-bang nucleosynthesis, and the range of allowed P is thereby much restricted to 0≤P<0.2. J.RTgd`fPYs(NNJ=0[#c)Df2]?SP]-R8\dam7+j]Y%C?UdW[jE
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`5PMmcOD/jmWgY-H80,o98h6`$ae2Jr! We have simulated full‐sky maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy expected from Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models at 0°.5 and 1°.0 angular resolution. +@CaX=,N)H/F%rN"uXXh;"3199h=4p:+8UY;Q'FBmV_'FG,.saq*=(9VU@Lt[*iWX
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WMAP 5th yr data In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were the first to detect this radiation. A smaller effect (which these authors ignore) is expected to come from a change in the Helium abundance. WMAP 5th yr data >>
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