Fifteen years later, I got a computer with 4,000K (or 4MB) of memory, one thousand times the memory of my trusty VIC-20. Similar words: member, membership, timber, number, chamber, limber up, a number of, any number of. Pierre was always astonished at Prince Andrew's calm manner of treating everybody, his extraordinary memory, his extensive reading (he had read everything, knew everything, and had an opinion about everything), but above all at his capacity for work and study. These are the great claims of the party to memory. Examples of using Memory in a sentence and their translations Max/ min memory for humidity, in & outdoor temperature. ESL Memory Games, Concentration Games, Vocabulary Memory Games, Grammar Memory Games, Games for ESL Kids, Word Recognition Games, Word Spelling Game, Theme Vocabulary Memory Games A true introduction to Colorado mountain winters, the ones you read about in the books and think are the exaggeration of some faulty memory. noun. That pointer can then be used to corrupt the memory of the process." If memory serves, you were the insatiable one this morning. 50 Of The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature. Their language is the memory of the language they hear spoken in their homes. Elizabeth has been censured for having made no effort in later years to clear her mother's memory; but no vindication of Anne's character could have rehabilitated Elizabeth's legitimacy. Antonym: forget. The memory of his father, however, and the commands of the king induced him to accept it; and he seems to have discharged it neither better nor worse than an average magistrate. They are known as the Ferrar group in memory of the scholar who first published their text, and are sometimes quoted as 4, (which, however, properly is the symbol for Codex Beratinus of the Gospels), and sometimes as fam.13. Was there anything remaining of her memory that might help Gabriel? The romance of his love affair with Sarah Curran - who afterwards married Robert Henry Sturgeon, an officer distinguished in the Peninsular War - has cast a glamour over the memory of Robert Emmet; and it inspired Thomas Moore's well-known songs, "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps," and "Oh, breathe not his name"; it is also the subject of Washington Irving's "The Broken Heart.". The physical connection was making it hard to control her emotions and the memory of the other times he'd kissed her. As for the " Declaration," the original records of the transactions of Mecklenburg county were destroyed by fire in 1800, but it is claimed that a copy of the " Declaration " was made from memory in the same year, and when, in 1819, a controversy had arisen as to where the movement for independence originated, this copy was published, first in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Gazette and then in many other newspapers. But with the development of the power of inter-communication by the use of language, the Record rapidly acquired an increased development, which was enormously extended by the continuous growth in mankind of the faculty of memory. Dr Alexander Kohut (1897); L. It is probable that notes or selections were from time to time written down to help in teaching and learning the immense mass of material, in spite of the fact that even in Sherira's time (11th century) such aids to memory were not officially recognized. pascha', of the Hebrew name of the Passover festival n4 pesach, from r "he passed over," in memory of the great deliverance, when the destroying angel "passed over the houses, of the children of Israel in Egypt when he smote the Egyptians" (Exod. Buy English Sentence Memory Booster (BSD Series Book 2): Read Kindle Store Reviews - This epoch, when grass grew even in High Street, long lingered in the popular memory as the " dark age.". The normal way to memorize the sentence would be to repeat the full thing, again and again, from the beginning. He was largely immune to the world, but he had some depth of emotion, if he respected his mother's memory by not killing women. The memory must be stored with ideas and the mind must be enriched with knowledge before writing becomes a natural and pleasurable effort. One of the public squares contains a martyrs' monument, erected in memory of the thirteen Hungarian generals shot here on the 6th of October 1849, by order of the Austrian general Haynau. So we must suppose that before his death the schismatic was received again into the bosom of the Church, and this is confirmed by the fact that his memory was henceforth celebrated in the Church as that of a holy martyr. At Sydney he was very ill again: it was now obvious that his only chance of health lay within the tropics. Did you see the memory where I watched you kill your first, and I still thought maybe there was some part of you that could be salvaged? It contains a few handsome monuments to its former bishops, but until 1890, when a monument was erected, had nothing to preserve the memory of the illustrious Dr George Berkeley, who held the see from 1734 to 1753. The memory of the words and how sweet he was last night made her ache, as much because she turned her back on him as it was because she wanted to feel his naked body against hers. His protest, it is needless to say, was unavailing, and all who respect his memory must regret that the sunset of life failed to give him that insight into the future which is poetically ascribed to it. My grandmother has Alzheimer's Disease, and loses her memory a lot. Sleeping with her made him feel … guilty, like he was betraying his brother's memory. Such events were the birthday of the head of the household; the assumption of the toga virilis by a son; the festival of the Caristia in memory of deceased members of the household; recovery from illness; the entry of a young bride into the house for the first time; return home after a long absence. When asked to show her jewels she presented her sons, and on her death a statue was erected to her memory inscribed, "Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi.". All Rights Reserved. Her own words bounced off the wall and came back as a flash of memory and imagination. In the sense he can function but the memory is probably gone for good. Mount Vaea, which overlooks Apia and Vailima, the home of Robert Louis Stevenson, is his burial-place and bears a monument to his memory. - I have no vivid memory of that. Someone who has a brain like a sieve has a very bad memory and forgets things easily. Dempster owed his great position in the history of scholarship to his extraordinary memory, and to the versatility which made him equally at home in philology, criticism, law, biography and history. "I'd never question your memory," he said with a smile. That national poet collected in the earliest Scottish poem, written in the reign of Bruce's grandson, the copious traditions which clustered round his memory. It was founded by Jarl Rognvald (Earl Ronald) in 1137 in memory of his uncle Jarl Magnus who was assassinated in the island of Egilshay in 1115, and afterwards canonized and adopted as the patron saint of the Orkneys. for the emigres) as well as it suited the revolutionary government, and no serious attempt was made by the royal family to ascertain the truth, though they paid none of the tributes to the memory of the dead king which might reasonably have been expected, had they been convinced of his death. The popular novelist and historian, Heinrich Zschokke (1771-1848), spent most of his life here, and a bronze statue has been erected to his memory. I tried to force from my memory the mayhem and violence Grasso had wrought across the country. Everything I found in books that pleased me I retained in my memory, consciously or unconsciously, and adapted it. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. (Deo Optimo Maximo) on the bottles preserves the memory of its original makers. The memory of Nerva is still preserved by the ruined temple in the Via Alessandrina (il Colonacce) which marks the site of the Forum begun by Domitian, but which Nerva completed and dedicated (Suetonius Dom. Joseph, smiling for the first time in Dean's memory, said he and Ginger planned to walk about town and perhaps hike up to the nearby Box Canyon waterfall. For this purpose Dimitri Donskoi formed in 1380 a coalition of Russian princes, and gained a great victory over Khan Mamai of the Golden Horde on the famous battlefield of Kulikovo, the memory of which still lives in the popular legends. (be + fading) " I am losing my memory. " In Trafalgar Square stands the earliest monument erected to the memory of Nelson. of Spain, in memory of the battle of St Quentin, which was won in 1557 on the day of the martyr's festival. To avoid the disgrace of perishing by a woman's hand, he begged his armour-bearer to run him through the body, but his memory was not saved from the ignominy he dreaded (2 Sam. Memory is included among First Principles. " Chamberlain, the necessity of committing to memory two syllabaries, one of which has many variant forms, and at least two or three thousand Chinese ideographs, in forms standard and cursive ideographs, too, most of which are susceptible of three or four different readings according to circuinstance,add, further, that all these kinds of written symbols are apt to be encountered pell mell on the same page, and the task of mastering Japanese becomes almost Herculean. The earliest of the great works of Pheidias were dedications in memory of Marathon, from the spoils of the victory. "Oh, I forgot to buy the bread - I've got a brain like a sieve these days!" Here, too, he began that series of interferences on behalf of the oppressed and the ill-treated which, whatever mixture of motives may have prompted it, is an honour to his memory. And suddenly a new unexpected memory from that realm of pure and loving childhood presented itself to him. Coincidently, the starting date of our involvement is etched in my memory for an entirely different reason. In spite of the misfortunes of the last years of his reign, Podébrad's memory has always been cherished by the Bohemians. Its origin was ascribed to a Carian colony, whose memory was possibly preserved in Epicarus, the earlier name of the city; it was afterwards occupied by Ionians, and appears to have incorporated a body of Phlegyans from Thessaly. A young man cowers and cries, perhaps in memory long after his sister is gone. The recollection of a certain fact, not known to all Speckport as it was to him, rushed upon his memory. When the Israelites were journeying from Egypt to the land of Canaan, the Amalekites are said to have taken advantage of their weak condition to harry the stragglers in the rear, and as a judgment for their hostility it was ordained that their memory should be blotted out from under heaven (Deut. 's chapel. 3) that because proper names are innumerable, and no intellect or memory would suffice for the knowing of them, they are all as it were comprehended in the species. I'm the guy with no past and I have this... earlier vision and it's not even my memory. The Albert Memorial, Kensington Gardens, was erected (1872) by " Queen Victoria and her People to the memory of Albert, Prince Consort," from the designs of Sir Gilbert Scott, with a statue of the Prince (1876) by John Henry Foley beneath a huge ornate Gothic canopy. His chief work during this part of his imprisonment was the tragedy Leoniero da Dertona, for the preservation of which he was compelled to rely on his memory. Andre's memory may live on, but I'm the one who inherited his responsibilities. The enormous quantities of Roman coins may be accounted for by consideration of the well-known practice of the Romans to make these imperishable monuments subservient towards perpetuating the memory, not only of their conquests, but also of those public works which were the natural result of their successes in remote parts of the world. Augustus honoured his memory by a magnificent funeral. There are ways of releasing you from Rhyn's claim, and there are ways of erasing your memory. While the night's events were still a bit hazy, her memory was clear enough to feel gratitude towards the man crouched beside her. He worked hard at his book on refraction, and dissected the heads of animals in order to explain imagination and memory, which he considered physical processes. 13 examples: The vivid memory of 1980s seems a mirage. First their location; gleaned from that accommodating Miss Washington and her memory of the area code. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Thus my memory was really correct; I had merely forgotten the experience to which it referred. The newly acquired territory was named Alfred county in memory of a visit paid to Natal by Prince Alfred (afterwards duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). Spaniards of all shades, except Carlists and Ultramontanes, paid homage to his memory when he passed away at his Logrono residence on the 8th of January 1879. With the latter, which is best designated as the "system of natural liberty," we ought to associate the memory of the physiocrats as well as that of Smith, without, however, maintaining their services to have been equal to his. Gabe hated her yet couldn't escape the memory of the compassion and spirit that made him take a stranger to bed last night. Generals on the staff, excited by the memory of the easy victory at Tarutino, urged Kutuzov to carry out Dorokhov's suggestion. The French struggled gallantly to the close: but now a long succession of their leaders - Junot, Soult, Victor, Massena, Marmont, Joseph - had been in turn forced to recoil before 'Wellington; and while their troops fought henceforward under the depressing memory of many defeats, the Allies did so under the inspiriting influence of great successes, and with that absolute confidence in their chief which doubled their fighting power. It is not a priori improbable that the year of the central event from which the Christian Church dated her own existence should have been noted in the apostolic age and handed down to the memory of succeeding generations; and the evidence does go some way to suggest that we have in favour of A.D. The subdeacons, no doubt, became a necessity when the deacons, whose number was limited to seven in memory of their original institution, were no longer equal to their duties in the " regions " of the imperial city, and left their lower work, such as preparation of the sacred vessels, to their subordinates. Examples of explicit memory in a sentence, how to use it. She remained to the last passionately devoted to the memory of her first husband; and she died in Paris in November 1831. The Herophilists still reverenced the memory of Hippocrates, and wrote numerous commentaries on his works. She died with the greatest shame: her soul imprisoned for all time and her memory erased from the immortal world. She stepped into the room and saw Ashley in the hospital bed, an unwelcome memory surfacing at the sight of the girl. Gifted with a great capacity for work, a remarkable memory and an unbiassed and critical mind, he produced without great effort a number of learned pamphlets and books on the most varied subjects. Jule's memory was wiped out and Xander exiled, until a year ago, when he landed in the human realm. To this ' The 10th of May has been made a holiday in North Carolina, and the date appears on the state flag and the state seal; and a statue has been erected at Charlotte in memory of the signers of the " Declaration.". The memory came to her uninvited and with such clarity that she flinched. All that we do know certainly is that she has a good memory and imagination and the faculty of association. She cannot know in detail how she was taught, and her memory of her childhood is in some cases an idealized memory of what she has learned later from her teacher and others. 774, Mardos), a Persian king of infamous memory; the prevalent Greek form Smerdis has assimilated the Persian name to the Greek (Asiatic) name Smerdis or Smerdies, which occurs in the poems of Alcaeus and Anacreon. si no me falla la memoria. "You must bear in mind that the cost of living is higher in New York." In the governor's garden, in Quebec, there is also a monument to the memory of Wolfe and his gallant opponent Montcalm, who survived him only a few hours, with the inscription " Wolfe and Montcalm. In the jubilee year 1825 he was selected by his fellowstudents at the Collegium Romanum to head a deputation to Pope Leo XII., whose memory he subsequently cherished and whose name he assumed in 1878. One reading was sufficient to stamp every detail of the story upon my memory forever. 13-14) to be engraved on two bronze tablets placed in front of his mausoleum in Rome, and as a mark of respect to his memory a copy was inscribed on the temple walls by the council of the Galatians. There are several small parks and squares, including Central Square, Beacon Square, about which the business portion of the township is centred, and Saltonstall Park, in which is a monument to the memory of Watertown's soldiers who died in the Civil War, and near which are the Town House and the Free Public Library, containing a valuable collection of 60,000 books and pamphlets and historical memorials. (Letter II., Mary Queen of Scots, p. You must have some good memory of the immortal world. de memoria. All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory. Memory of the phone call brought back a dark question. 36.72) his ashes are said to have been buried in a golden urn, together with those of Patroclus, at a place on the Hellespont, where a tomb was erected to his memory; his soul dwells in the lower world, where it is seen by Odysseus. Orange is a winter fruit. "The Council has a selective memory," A'Ran said in irritation. So proficient did he become that he was able to retain the equivalent of sixty pages of printed matter in his memory, turning and returning them as he walked or drove. In memory of this the Jews burn both in synagogues and in houses on the first night of the festival one light, on the second two, and so on to the end (so the Hillelites), or vice versa eight lights on the first, and one less on each succeeding night (so the Shammaites). Urgency jarred her out of the memory, and she launched forward. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'basicenglishspeaking_com-box-2','ezslot_0',140,'0','0']));Examples of how to use the word “memory” in a sentence. Dusty knew the memory of killing in order to be initiated wasn't something even Bianca could take away from him. - of those passages which irresistibly rise in the memory when we think of "Isaiah.". Soon men began to assist memory by making notes, and pupils sought to take written jottings of what they had heard from their teachers. In the capitol grounds are monuments to the memory of Ulysses S. Max Muller, "On Ancient Prayers," in Semitic Studies in Memory of Rev. Those initiated in the mysteries were taught to distinguish two streams in the lower world, one of memory and one of oblivion. 10 example sentences : My sister is 6 years old. With this mention Prester John ceases to have any pretension to historical existence in Asia (for we need not turn aside to Mandeville's fabulous revival of old stories or to the barefaced fictions of his contemporary, John of Hese, which bring in the old tales of the miraculous body of St Thomas), and his connexion with that quarter of the world gradually died out of the memory of Europe. Experiments made by a person who possesses a good memory seem to show that the thing is very possible, especially if Darnley revised Crawford's notes. A little memory work might be required, but anyone could count from nineteen to twenty. Here her character was shaped; here she imbibed that passionate love of country scenes and country life which neither absence, politics nor dissipation could uproot; here she learnt to understand the ways and thoughts of the peasants, and laid up that rich store of scenes and characters which a marvellously retentive memory enabled her to draw upon at will. His memory is still cherished in the district, for he conferred on it the title of Gefiirstete Grafschaft, spent much time in it, and erected in the chief church of Innsbruck a sumptuous monument as his tomb. He had an extraordinary memory, well stored with scientific knowledge, both modern and historical, a cool and impartial judgment, and a strong preference for facts as against theory of the speculative kind. g p Atticus in memory of his wife Regilla, is comparatively well preserved; it was excavated in 1848 and in 1857-1858. Max./min. The memory of the defeat of the Spartan king Cleonymus by the fleet of Patavium in 302 B.C. The Norwegian order of knighthood of St Olaf was founded in 1847 by Oscar I., king of Sweden and Norway, in memory of this king. Early in the next century the name was changed by Lysimachus to Alexandria Troas, in honour of Alexander's memory. I was culpable in contributing openly to the memory of Miss Washington and I was listed in some press accounts as the well-known grandfather of Eric when he was kidnapped last fall. This memory carried him sadly and sweetly back to those painful feelings of which he had not thought lately, but which still found place in his soul. In this business it don't pay to have a good memory, even if I did have one. But the experience of all peoples in that memory requires to be helped by form. Maybe I should try it; like in memory of Annie. She searched her memory for where she might've dumped the keys last night. He certainly became the acknowledged authority on the subject, and developed a power and speed of memory which seemed miraculous, even to his contemporaries. Now he's at least functional but the sad part is he lost nearly all of his memory. ARTEMISIA, the sister and wife of Mausolus (or Maussollus), king of Caria, was sole ruler from about 353 to 350 B.C. This story lived long in the memory of the people, and its chief interest lies in its literary associations. in memory of. (fn 3) When next we begin to hear his name it is as an African, not as an Asiatic prince; and the personage so styled is in fact the Christian king of Abyssinia. He destroyed no town nor did he put the captive kings to death; in Babylonia he behaved like a constitutional monarch; by the Persians his memory was cherished as "the father of the people" (Herod. Jackson longed to erase her memory, but thoughts of her invaded him constantly. The first great impetus of change in the configuration of London was given by the great fire, and Evelyn records and regrets that the town in his time had grown almost as large again as it was within his own memory. ), i. Her throat tightened at the memory of the night she met Gabriel. (have) " My memories are fading. " There was a much better time when she did not know he planned to usurp her, and the memory comforted her. His Letters to a Friend (Miss Johnes of Dolaucothy) are a splendid monument to his memory. Read and try to understand these sentences. It had 4K of memory and cost my parents about $200. His remains were brought to Sofia, where they received a public funeral, and were eventually deposited in a mausoleum erected in his memory. (informal) to have a very bad memory; to forget things easily. There are a number of modern monuments in the city, the most important being that set up to the memory of the Swiss who fell in the battle of St Jakob (1444), won by the French. No reverses to the British arms occurred to keep alive the memory of his lost opportunity, and in 1763 his name was restored to the list of the Privy Council. For the first time the memory wasn't painful, but a reminder that despite all odds, something magical had happened between them. Play and Learn with Games for Learning English Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Patterns, Reading & Listening. The ultra sound photo brought back a vivid memory of Alex watching the screen as the baby moved in her womb. Open memory: Closing with a 66 at Muirfield in 2013 to win the Open. died, and was succeeded by his son, Nicholas II., who, partly from similarity of character and partly from veneration for his father's memory, continued the existing lines of policy in home and foreign affairs. It is well built, and boasts of a fine old Gothic parish church, dating from the 14th and 15th centuries, opposite which a statue was erected in 1889 to the memory of the famous Minnesinger, Walther von der Vogelweide, who, according to some accounts, was born (c. 1170) at a farm above Waidbruck, to the north of Botzen. But the memory of the benefits conferred by the English constitution remained fresh and green amidst the arid waste of repression which followed. In 1886 the widow of Henry Draper, one of the pioneers of stellar spectroscopy, made a liberal provision for carrying on spectroscopic investigations at Harvard College in memory of her husband. So try that now. Carrara erected a statue to his memory in 1876, and in 1887 the Societe d'economie politique celebrated his centenary with a notice of his life and works. The memory brought goose bumps to her arms. in memory of somebody | to the memory of somebody. Another memory crossed her mind, and her face grew warm for a different reason. He was accorded a public funeral, and a statue was erected to his memory in front of the Rostra. Contextual translation of "type full sentence in your langage" into English. It's my last memory of the immortal world until I returned a day ago. The mess in Ireland earlier made her body crawl in memory of the dangerous power. Geneva is well supplied with charitable institutions, hospitals, &c. Among other remarkable sights of the city may be mentioned the great hydraulic establishment (built 1882-1899) of the Forces Motrices du Rhone (turbines), the singular monument set up to the memory of the late duke of Brunswick who left his fortune to the city in 1873, and the tie Jean-Jacques Rousseau now connected with the Pont des Bergues. These Fun Activities help Children learn English more effectively. The Spartans had a nine days' festival termed Carnea, during which they dwelt in pavilions and tents in memory of their old camp life (Athenaeus, iv. Dean had a memory of Fred draping a flannel shirt over Franny's bare shoulders, though no recollection of the order of arrival or any real details of what followed. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " The house holds many memories for them. " The farther I go back in memory, or what is the same thing the farther I go forward in my judgment, the more doubtful becomes my belief in the freedom of my action. Beyond the railway station stands the obelisk to the memory of Ewen Maclachlan (1775-1822), the Gaelic poet, who was born in the parish. The tattoo hadn't faded either, just like her memory of the sweet man who made love to her. His first memory was of waking up then of everything he'd done for the day. This voyage of the middle of the 9th century deserves to be held in happy memory, for it unites the first Norwegian polar explorer with the first English collector of travels. And the Pleiades continued, within historical memory, to be the first asterism of the lunar zodiac. The prime object of interest is the cathedral of St Magnus, a stately cruciform red sandstone structure in the severest Norman, with touches of Gothic. He says ("To the Memory of Mr Oldham," Works, ed. English. This action verbs memory games has audio, images and text which makes it possible to practice spelling, reading, listening and word recognition. 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